Stats from his 4 month appointment...
Height--25 1/2inches (above average)
Weight--14.3 (average)
After his check-up I knew I was ready to start him on some rice cereal because I wanted to get him sleeping through the whole night and I thought maybe filling him up on more than just milk would do the trick. He actually did really well his first time and quickly became a pro at eating from a spoon!
Also, by this time Owen had been rolling over a little...meaning that he only would go from his tummy to his back and it didn't happen that often. I would always joke that he is just plain lazy and his mom would come get him if he got to upset with being on his tummy too long. Which sadly was very true! So up until about 2 weeks ago Owen really wasn't showing much interest in being mobile at all, but now he is rolling and scooting in circles all the time! Sometimes I miss not having to worry about putting him on the bed while I run to get something in fear that he may fall off, but I am glad that he has finally wanted to be a little more of a rollie-pollie these days :)
Here are some pictures of Owen trying out that rice cereal for the first time and then some of him in the awesome car stroller his Papa Dunn takes him for walks in.