Thursday, April 2, 2009

poot wedding

My Cousin's Wedding

This past weekend Cory and I were able to make a quick trip over to Ohio for my cousin Rebecca's wedding. It was really nice to see extended family that we don't get to see that often, as well as my parents and little bro. Cory and I always have a blast at weddings because we love to get our grove on! Thats why at our own wedding the whole night was pretty much a big dance party and we never left the dance floor! haha! I just wanted to post afew pictures from their wedding day and say how happy we are for Rebecca and Jason! Weddings are just the best! Two people in love, committing theirselves to each other, and becoming one! Such a happy day!

Another tag for fun!

Here are some questions about you and your spouse. Once your finished tag whoever you want to do this! Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know!
♥ What are your middle names? Cory Jacob and Lindsay Victoria
♥ How long have you been together? dated in high school, after the mission and have been married 11 months tomorrow! so altogether its been around 5 1/2 years baby!
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? 4 months
♥ Who asked who out? Cory asked me to go on a date to see ELF and then ice cream after. One of the best dates we have ever had.
♥ How old are each of you? C-dawg 23 and Linds-dawg 22
♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? hmmm its a tie!
♥ Do you have any children together? not yet!
♥ What about pets? not yet and probably never will, boo.
♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? when i am moody! ha!
Did you go to the same school? Nope
♥ Are you from the same home town? yes. thats how we met
♥ Who is smarter? i would like to say me, but thats a lie!
♥ Who is more sensitive?ME, but he has a sensitive heart too.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? probably Taco Bell
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? texas
♥ Who has the craziest exes? well taking that cory is pretty much the only guy i ever dated, probably Cory then haha
♥ Who has the worst temper? neither of us have bad tempers but i get mad a lot easier than he does
♥ Who does the cooking? totally me, but i enjoy it very much...the food network and me are close friends
♥ Who is more social? Cory
♥ Who is the neat-freak? its a tie
♥ Who is more stubborn? i am
♥ Who hogs the bed? Cory might be bigger than me but i tend to always be leaning on his side
♥ Who wakes up earlier? Cory for class
♥ Where was your first date? the movies and ice cream after
♥ Who has the bigger family?Cory but only by a few extra neices and nephews
♥ Do you get flowers often? no haha but its happened before
♥ How do you spend the holidays? with family
♥ Who is more jealous? me, its a girl thing
♥ How long did it take to get serious? not til after his mission did we get "serious"
♥ Who eats more? Cory
♥ Who does/ did the laundry? we both do
♥ Who’s better with the computer? Me
♥ Who drives when you are together? mostly cory

I tag Jenna, Mal, Katie, and Amber

For Fun!

Answer the following with only one word.
Where is your cell phone?..............before me
Your significant other?.............amazing
Your hair?............short
Your mother?...............loving
Your father?............hero
Your favorite thing?
Your dream last night...........blank, too tired
Your favorite drink...........real lemonade
Your dream/goal.............dream=to be a mom/ goal=to become an RN
The room you're in...........nice
Your children?..................waiting to come
Your Fear?....................losing cory
Where do you want to be in 6 years?......................a mom, cory done with school, living close to family
Where were you last night?................the gym playin' ball ya'll
What you're not?....................outgoing
One of your wish list items?..........a house
Where'd you grow up?..............WA state baby
What'd you read last?..............BOM
What are you wearing?..............t-shirt and b-ball shorts
Your TV?......................was free!
Your pet?....................never going to have, boo.
Your computer?................flat
Life? good!
Your mood?................cheery
Missing someone?...............lots of someones
Your car? attack
Something you're not wearing?.................socks
Favorite store?
Your summer?....................pinnacle
Like someone?..........................oh i am in love!
Your favorite color?
Last time you laughed? 30 minutes ago
Last time you cried?

I tag Jenna, Mallory, and Amber